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SynMax Intelligence

Introducing Vulcan UC Version 2: Enhanced Project Forecasting & Exciting New Features

As with most inventions and products in the beginning, Vulcan UC has experienced significant improvements. Version 2, released this week, introduces a new feature for predicting and modifying online dates for future projects.

Our historical analysis—spanning the past five years—reveals an average monthly build of nearly 3 GW. Additionally, December has historically been a particularly active month for project completions. Version 2 incorporates Vulcan UC's identified projects, adjusting online dates within a reasonable range. This refinement leads to a smoother build profile, especially for solar projects, and accounts for the December surge.

We're currently offering both versions to allow you to run multiple scenarios in your power models.  Both versions do offer a superior outlook to EIA when compared to what has happened in the past.

The next versions will be working on incorporating the ranking and the timing of land clear and first structure in influencing the delay of projects.

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Vulcan is expanding its offerings with Vulcan IW (Infrastructure Watch). IW leverages satellite imagery to identify potential infrastructure changes caused by storms, wars, and other extreme events. We'll soon release reports showcasing the value of Vulcan IW to deliver actionable insights to a wide range of clients.

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